

二战后德国政治意识形态对环境的影响. 公平贸易是否为改善鲜切花产业工作环境的可行模式. 环保观念如何影响堆填区的废物管理政策. 社区对科罗拉多河的看法如何转化为水政策和使用.

今年的马丁365滚球官网班正在研究看似不和谐的话题, 但这一切都取决于一个关键的想法:不同社区的人们想象, 因此经验, 他们的环境以不同的方式, 这种不和谐会导致令人吃惊的现实影响.

四名高年级学生,阿莉莎·范·赞特, 艾米丽·格林, Karlee柯克 and 塞丽娜·埃尔南德斯 — have been working with instructor and English faculty member Erin James since fall semester to prepare major research papers on a topic of their choosing examining “environments across communities.”

2015年马丁365滚球官网:艾琳·詹姆斯教授, 艾米丽·格林, 塞丽娜·埃尔南德斯, 卡莉·柯金和艾莉莎·范·赞特
阿莉莎·范·赞特, 艾米丽·格林, Karlee柯克, 塞丽娜·埃尔南德斯和英语教师Erin James(中)

去探索这个想法, the scholars queried the ways in which various communities — ranging from indigenous residents to tourists, corporate stakeholders to environmental activists — perceive and understand the environment in which they live and work. The students also looked into what complications such differing perceptions of place stand to pose for cross-community communication and policy formation.

詹姆斯说 the students met as a group to grapple with case studies of differing environmental imaginations and what role they play in cultural and/or cross-community conflict. 每周他们都会检查一种不同类型的失调, 包括那些源自殖民主义的, 旅游, 宗教, 国家治理与科学.

马丁365滚球官网项目, 现在是第10个年头, 是由伊利诺伊大学马丁研究所赞助的, 在文学院, 艺术与社会科学国际研究项目.

而这四个学生有非常不同的项目, 他们仍然每周聚会一次,分享研究成果和想法, 詹姆斯说.


范·桑特岛, 博伊西本地人, 来到365滚球官网,打算攻读化学和西班牙语学位. 她希望进入医学院,成为一名医生,为无国界医生组织工作.

“但我在第一学期就知道了, 我对科学领域缺乏真正的热情,”她说。.

范·桑特岛 decided to apply to the 马丁的365滚球官网 program because it would be a challenging experience and give her the opportunity to grow.

“我总是可以在写作中练习, 我觉得我的研究能力可以得到提升,”她说。. “能有机会设计自己的深入研究项目,我感到非常兴奋.”

格林, 也来自博伊西, 是否被这个进行深入研究的机会所吸引, 以及有机会与她的研究兴趣相关的教授密切合作.

“文学和环境与我所学的完全不同, so it has been really interesting to bring that into the discussion and apply it to areas that I do have experience in,”她说。.

Kirking of Lewiston was most interested in the scholars program because she could focus specifically on a region and issue emphasis.

“I was impressed that it both required global knowledge and regional and issue specific knowledge to be successful in the program,”她说。. “我申请是因为它非常有意义.”

摩西湖的赫尔南德斯, 华盛顿, 她说她很有兴趣参加这个能让她继续深造的机会.

“I feel that the 马丁的365滚球官网 program offered me an opportunity to gain more from my major while also challenging my research abilities,埃尔南德斯说.


范·赞特说:“我希望我写的这篇论文对政策制定者来说是有益的。. “I hope that someone will read my paper and think a little more deeply about water in the United States than they did before.”

格林 said she would like to believe she has expanded her knowledge about the region and international affairs in ways she hadn’t considered before. 她说,她早期的课程当然有帮助.

格林说:“这真的打开了我看待不同问题的视角。. “Literature is very representative of the reality of the world where people live and it is a way of expressing first hand perspectives in ways we don’t always consider when looking at international issues.”

格林希望成为一个更有能力的研究者和作家, 她有丰富的经验,将来可以用得上.

Kirking also expects to produce a quality project that could be useful to either academic or professional sources.

“我期望在一个特定的话题上变得非常博学, 并与我的同事们就环境想象交换意见,柯克金说。. “到目前为止,它被证明是一种具有挑战性但有益的经历.”

Hernandez said the experience will broaden her knowledge and understanding of international relations, 尤其是在她感兴趣和重视的领域.


The four seniors in this year’s 马丁的365滚球官网 program studied four very different areas to see the impact of community perceptions on the environment.

艾米丽·格林(艾米丽·格林)的项目关注的是一个州的划分如何影响环境, 以二战后的德国为例.

The differences between how the environment was treated in both East and West Germany shows how political ideology, 比如东德的共产党, 能对环境产生很大的影响吗, 她说.

“A large part of my paper is focused on how to overcome the division that partition creates in the event of reunification. 它考察了统一后的德国为克服东部环境恶化所做的努力.

“德国是一个非常有趣的例子, because the partition was strongly influenced by ideology and the environmental situation in East Germany became very bad. 但尽管如此, Germany has been able to become a leader in Europe on environmental matters in the last 25 years since reunification.”

Karlee柯克’s project takes a look into the environmental imaginations surrounding flower production and purchasing behavior.

供应美国的鲜切花产业.S. demand for fresh bouquets for Valentine's Day and Mother's Day are often produced in substandard labor conditions, 她说. 解决不合标准的劳动条件有许多选择, 包括企业社会责任和消费者抵制, 但这些通常对目标行为几乎没有影响或不利影响.

“I chose to see if the Fair Trade model that has been successful from a demand perspective in the United States would be viable for the floriculture industry,柯克金说。. “我的研究结果发现,由于市场结构, 消费者需求, 以及一系列的标签倡议, there has been and probably will continue to be problems making Fair Trade flowers a viable solution for the United States.

“The United States seems to be less open to this kind of initiative due to the different culture American consumers have regarding flower purchasing.”

塞丽娜·埃尔南德斯 examined and analyzed the circumstance in which large communities of trash-pickers gather in and around landfills near mega cities. 她考察了两个特定的大城市及其垃圾填埋场:拉各斯的拉各斯垃圾填埋场, 尼日利亚, 以及墨西哥城附近Nezahualcoyotl的Bordo Poniente.

She compared and contrasted the environmental imaginations associated with the two case studies and the trash-pickers that have made a home in these landfills. Hernandez reviewed how these very different environmental perceptions have contributed to the success and/or failure of waste management policies in the two very different landfills.

“我将提出并讨论可能的方法, 政策改革, and solutions in dealing with these communities that can be applied not only to the respective landfills, 但对于其他拥有类似垃圾社区的大城市来说,”她说。.

阿莉莎·范·赞特 looked at the Colorado River in terms of how communities view the river and how that translates to water policies and water usage.

“我正在研究南北用户等几个相互冲突的观点, 农民和自然资源保护主义者以及过去和现在的社会价值观,”她说。. “My paper focuses on how different perspectives about the use of Colorado River water leads to conflict among communities and results in dysfunctional policies.”

她还收集了一些关于水资源拨款的历史背景, 并介绍了管理河流的立法文件, 检查每个提到的冲突中的各方,并提出要吸取的教训.







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网络: 马丁研究所
